Book launch: “Targeting in International law: Counterinsurgency and the legal materiality of the principle of distinction”
with Amin Parsa
The Making of international Courts and international Society
with Michael Rask Madsen
Harmful effect assessment of a State’s cyber operation to make a case per International Law
with Fan Yang
The VI Hilding Eek Memorial lecture
with Judge Hilary Charlesworth
South Africa v. Israel in the International Court of Justice
with Marie Jacobsson and Pål Wrange
Colonialism and European Union Law
with Hanna Eklund
Security and the Formation and Application of International Law
A one day symposium in honour of Marie Jacobsson
Book launch: Law, Visual Culture, and the Show Trial
with Agata Fijalkowski
Tensions and Limitations of Contemporary International Law: The Wars in Ukraine and Gaza
with Alberto Coll
The New Interference in Sovereign Affairs and International Law
with Frédéric Mégret