Table of contents
Special events
HRH Crown Princess Victoria
Astrid Söderbergh Widding, President, Stockholm University
Jessika Van Der Sluijs, Dean, Faculty of Law, Stockholm University
Photini Pazartzis, President, European Society of International Law
Hans Corell, Chair of SCILJ, former Legal Counsel of the United Nations
Pål Wrange, Director of SCILJ and convenor of the organising committee
Keynote conversation: The Politics of Global Lawmaking
Martti Koskenniemi (University of Helsinki)
Sarah Nouwen (European University Institute)
Stockholm side-event: The Future of Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) in the European Union
Moderator: Steffen Hindelang (Uppsala University)
Crina Baltag (Stockholm University)
Johan Sidklev (Roschier, Attorneys Ltd., Stockholm)
James Crawford: the lawyer and the scholar we remember
Moderator: Photini Pazartzis (ESIL President): Introductory remarks
Laurence Boisson de Chazournes (Université de Genève)
Alain Pellet (Université Paris Nanterre)
Peter Tomka (International Court of Justice)
Kaj Hobér (Uppsala University): Concluding remarks
Conversation with the ESIL book prize winners 2020 and 2021
Concluding panel: Global law as the end of international law?
Jonas Ebbesson (Stockholm University) (moderator)
Panelists: Andrea Leiter (University of Amsterdam)
Anne Orford (University of Melbourne)
Makane Mbengue (University of Geneva) Dire Tladi (University of Pretoria).
SCILJ (organizers)
Photini Pazartzis, President, European Society of International Law
Presentation of the 17th Annual Conference of ESIL in Utrecht
Forum 1: The Deformalisation of International Law
Moderator: Jean d’Aspremont (Sciences Po, University of Manchester)
Enzo Cannizzaro (Università Sapienza di Roma)
Conception Escobar Hernandez (member of the International Law Commission) Anna Leander (Graduate Institute, Geneva)
Forum 2: Lawmaking by Non-State Actors
Moderator: Jens Bartelson (Lund university)
Annyssa Bellal (Geneva Academy)
Nadia Bernaz (Wageningen University)
René Provost (McGill University)
Forum 3: The Changing Local Implementation of International Law
Moderator: Basak Çali (Hertie School of Governance/Koc University)
Ana Salinas (University of Malaga)
Veronika Fikfak (University of Copenhagen)
Shaheed Fatima Q.C. (Blackstone Chambers, London)
Forum 4: International Lawmaking from Below
Moderator: Andre Nollkaemper (University of Amsterdam)
Balakrishnan Rajagopal (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Giedre Jokubauskaite (University of Glasgow)
Raffaela Kunz (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and Public International Law)
Forum 5: Legitimacy and rationality in international lawmaking
Moderator: Marie Jacobsson (Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs)
Eyal Benvenisti (University of Cambridge)
Sergio Dellavalle (University of Turin)
Isobel Roele (Queen Mary University
Forum 6: How to study how international law works? Telescope or microscope, or both?
Moderator: Nikolas Rajkovic (Tilburg University)
Ian Hurd (Northwestern University)
Elisa Morgera (University of Strathclyde)
Forum 7: Technology and changes in lawmaking
Moderator: Daria Boklan (Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
Nicholas Ashford (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Delphine Dogot (Université Catholique de Lille)
Fleur Johns (University of South Wales)
Forum 8: Current events: Lawmaking in the post-pandemic world: Is covid a gamechanger?
Moderator: Anne van Aaken (University of Hamburg)
Panelists: Gian Luca Burci (Graduate Institute, Geneva)
Diane Desierto (Notre Dame)
Bryan Mercurio (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Martin Scheinin (University of Oxford).
Agora 1: The Order of the Oceans and Changes in Lawmaking
Moderator: Vasilka Sancin (University of Ljubljana)
Gregor Novak (Yale Law School): Reading the Waves: Continuity and Change in Ocean Lawmaking
Maria Esther Salamanca (University of Valladolid): Developments in the Deep Seabed Mining Regime by the International Seabed Authority
Pierre Thévenin (University of Tartu): Back to the Future: Lessons from the Law of the Sea Negotiations (1967-1982), a Defense of Inefficiency and Complexity in International Lawmaking
Agora 2: Sustainable Development and Changes in Lawmaking
Moderator: Virginie Barral (Goldsmiths University of London)
Jaye Ellis (McGill University): International law in the Era of Metrics: Injecting Normativity into the SDGs
Jason Rudall (Leiden University): The SDGs and their Impact on International Law: a Systems Theory Perspective
Eva van der Zee (Hamburg University): How to Achieve a Smart-Mix of Public and Private Due Diligence Requirements Under the SDGs? Insights from Motivational Crowding Theory’
Agora 3: International Security and Changes in Lawmaking
Moderator: Gregor Noll (University of Gothenburg)
Tsvetelina van Benthem (University of Oxford): Lawmaking at the Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems
Johanna Friman (Åbo Akademi University): The Dark Lawmaking of Human Security
Doreen Lustig (Tel Aviv University): Revisiting the Lawmaking of the Laws of War, 1856–1874
Agora 4: The rights of individuals and changes in lawmaking
Moderator: Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen (University of Copenhagen)
Freya Baetens (Oslo University) – Must the age of the individual end? The push for collective.
Frederick Cowell (Birkbeck College, University of London) – Universal Periodic Review as a form of law making: Understanding dialogic processes and human rights law.
Nina Reiners (University of Potsdam) – Transnational lawmaking coalitions for human rights.
Agora 5: The global economy and changes in lawmaking
Moderator: Lukasz Gruszczynski (Kozminski University)
Holger Hestermeyer (King’s College London) – Striving for flexibility – MoUs and informal law-making in international economic law
Stefanie Schacherer (National University of Singapore) – Regulatory integration through mega-regionals – new challenges for global economic governance
Catharine Titi (University Paris II Panthéon-Assas) – UNCITRAL Working Group III and the new multilateralism: A view from the negotiating floor
Agora 6: Trans-/International Crimes and Changes in Lawmaking
Moderator: Gentian Zyberi (University of Oslo)
Florian Jeßberger (Humboldt-University, Berlin) and Leonie Steinl (Humboldt-University, Berlin): New Kids on the Block: Strategic Litigation Networks and their Impact on the State-Centered System of International Criminal Justice
Patryk Labuda (Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy): The Hybridization and Decentralization of (International) Criminal Justice in Africa
Fulvia Staiano (Giustino Fortunato University and IRISS – CNR): The Exercise of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction over Transnational Crimes in the Light of General Principles of International Law
Agora 7: Cyberspace and changes in lawmaking
Moderator: Vera Rusinova (HSE University)
Jose Prieto (Ghent University) – Blockchain digital infrastructures and changes in the
international lawmaking: finding balance between control, privacy and innovation
Gavin Sullivan (Edinburgh Law School) – Infra-legalities: global security infrastructures, artificial intelligence and international law
Anna Sophia Tiedeke (LeibnizInstitute for Media Research / Hans-Bredow-Institut) – Self-statification of private actors – the solution to the legitimacy vacuum in cyberspace?
Agora 8: International Institutions and Changes in Lawmaking
Moderator: Niels Blokker (University of Leiden)
Hannah Birkenkoetter (Humboldt University, Berlin): The United Nations at 75: Revisiting International Lawmaking Through the World Organization and the Importance of UN Civil Service
Negar Mansouri (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva): Global Daedalus: International Bureaucracies, Supra-functional Authority and Worldmaking Practices
Margherita Melillo (Georgetown University): The Shift Towards Soft ‘Technical’ Lawmaking and the Empowerment of ‘Expert’ Civil Society Organizations: the Case of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
Agora 9: National Parliaments and Changes in Lawmaking Domestic Implementation
Moderator: Giuseppe Nesi (University of Trento)
Matthew Saul (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences): Shaping Legislative Processes from Strasbourg
Lena Riemer (Freie Universität Berlin) and Sabrina Schäfer (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): A Letter from the ’Bundestag’ – or how the Global Compact on Migration Shed New Light on Parliamentary Participation in Informal International Lawmaking
Larissa Van den Herik (Leiden University): The Dutch Advisory Culture as a Model of Interaction Between Academia, National Parliaments and the Government
Agora 10: Subnational international lawmaking
Moderator: Janne Nijman (Asser Institute)
Speakers: Maša Kovič Dine (University of Ljubljana) – Can cities contribute to international climate change lawmaking?
Natalie Jones (University of s (University of Cambridge) – The participation of indigenous peoples in international lawmaking
Laura Prat (King’s College London) – Local referenda in Latin America: transnational direct democracy as a radical counter power against increasing inequalities
Agora 11: The Making of International Biomedical Law
Moderator: Carlos Esposito (University Autonoma of Madrid)
Chamu Kuppuswamy (Hertfordshire Law School) and Jessica Almqvist (Lund University) – International organisations as ‘makers or breakers’ of biomedical law
Ludovica Poli (University of Turin) – Conflicting or converging role of scientific knowledge and human rights in the development of international biolaw
Rumiana Yotova (University of Cambridge) – Making international biolaw in the face of scientific uncertainty
Agora 12: Nature, Past, Present and Future of Law of the Sea Scholarship
Moderator: André Nollkaemper (University of Amsterdam)
Richard Barnes (University of Lincoln) – The present (nature) of law of the sea scholarship
Miguel García García-Revillo (University of Córdoba) – The future (nature) of law of the sea scholarship
Irini Papanicolopulu (Università di Milano-Bicocca) – The past (nature) of law of the sea scholarship