SCILJ Chair Marie Jacobsson is the co-recipient of the Elizabeth Haub Award

Former Ambassador and SCILJ Chair Marie Jacobsson of Sweden to receive prestigious award alongside Ambassador Marja Lehto of Finland


Please find below an excerpt from Pace University’s press release (the full content is available here).

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The Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University is pleased to announce that the 2023 Elisabeth Haub Award for Environmental Law and Diplomacy will be jointly awarded to Ambassador Marja Lehto of Finland and former Ambassador Marie Jacobsson of Sweden for their pivotal roles advancing environmental law and policy to protect the environment in times of armed conflicts.

Ambassador Lehto is Senior Expert on Public International Law for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and, until recently, Ambassador Jacobsson served as Principal Legal Adviser on International Law, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden. While Members of the UN International Law Commission (ILC), both served successively as Special Rapporteur for the topic of the “Protection of the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflict.” In this role they worked tirelessly for a decade to develop the Draft Principles of International Law to Protect the Environment in Times of Armed Conflicts and then skillfully led the adoption of the draft principles by the ILC and their acceptance by the United Nations General Assembly in 2022.

The principles lay out the urgent need and common objectives to reinforce and advance the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of the environment for present and future generations, specifically with respect to the protection of the environment before, during or after an armed conflict, including in situations of occupation. Remarkably, over the years, more than 60 States engaged with the topic, offering support and observations as did international governmental and Non-Governmental organizations.

“We are honored to recognize two exemplary women for their groundbreaking work and leadership developing principles that will guide and protect the future of our planet,” said Horace E. Anderson Jr., Haub Law Dean and President of the Haub Award Jury. “The Elisabeth Haub School of Law’s No. 1 ranked environmental law program is committed to advancing the rule of environmental law across the globe and to developing the skill, knowledge, commitment and passion for the cause that both Ambassador Lehto and Ambassador Jacobsson so admirably demonstrate.”