Stockholm Center for International Law and Justice invites you to a seminar with:
Dr. Andria Naudé Fourie
on the topic of
A Revitalized Global Partnership for Development and the Need for Understanding its Dynamic Complexity: A Case Study of the Kenya Electricity Expansion Project/Olkaria
“[T]he means required to implement” the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) lie, as the UN General Assembly affirmed in recent years, with “a revitalized Global Partnership”. However, as the Partnership evolves, we have lost the ability to keep track of exactly ‘who’ is doing ‘what’, in ‘which capacity(ies)’, to ‘which ends’, and in accordance with ‘which normative systems’; consequently, we also struggle to understand the relationships between variables such as actors, structures, processes and outcomes. And, importantly, when there are harmful outcomes, we struggle to ascertain ‘who’ is responsible ‘for what’, and ‘how’ the situation should be ‘remedied’. This paper argues that we need to develop a better understanding of the dynamic complexity underlying the transnational development context, including the partnerships that have come to form an integral part of it. The paper also suggests how such an understanding might be developed. To these ends, the paper discusses a particular case study – the Kenya Electricity Expansion Project/Olkaria, a development project co-financed by the World Bank, the European Investment Bank and other partners. The methodology used underlies a new research project, ‘Decoding the Transnational Development Context’, as initiated by the author, in association with the Erasmus School of Law.
This is a presentaion within the framework of the SCILJ research project Global Law, Local Lives.
The presentation has been made possible by a grant from the Edvard Cassel Foundation.