The International Legal Principle of Non-Interference and Cyber-Operations: Unjustified Expectations?

with Vera Rusinova, Higher School of Economics, Moscow

Stockholm Center for International Law and Justice invites you to a seminar with:

 Dr. Vera Rusinova

on the topic of

The International Legal Principle of Non-Interference and Cyber-Operations: Unjustified Expectations?


The overwhelming majority of the publically known computer network attacks, which are presumed to be attributable to foreign states, do not fall under the legal notion of ‘use of force’. In her talk Vera Rusinova is going to tackle the question of whether and to what extent the principle of non-interference in matters within the domestic jurisdiction, being one of the basic principles of International Law, is applicable and able to effectively deter these ‘low-intensity cyber-operations’. By revisiting the General Assembly resolutions, judgments of the International Court of Justice and analysing recent examples of computer network attacks, she is trying to clarify a regulatory impact of this principle in the realm of cyber-operations.

Vera Rusinova is currently Professor of International Law at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow. She received a Doctor of legal sciences (Dr. hab.) degree in Moscow and holds a Master degree from the University of Göttingen. She is a Co-Chair of the International Law Association’s Committee on Use of Force: Military Assistance on Request, a Member of the European Society of International Law, and a Member of the Advisory Council of the Institute for International Peace and Security Law (University of Cologne, Germany). She is also member of the Editorial Groups of ‘International Justice’ and the ‘Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies’. She is currently conducting a study entitled ‘Application of International Law to Cyber Operations: from lex lata to lex ferenda’.

Registration (voluntary):, by the 3rd of June 2019