The Stockholm Centre for International Law and Justice (SCILJ) & The Department of Law, Jurisprudence, invites you to an advanced seminar in law Wednesday 30 January 2019. Neil Walker, The University of Edinburgh Regius Professor of Public Law and the Law of Nature and Nations, will speak on the topic of “The Authority of Global Law”.
In a world where national borders are gradually becoming increasingly porous due to increased international cooperation, international trade and new technology to name some examples, the traditional ”Westphalian” concept of sovereignty is being challenged.
International law, supranational law and transnational law are concepts most lawyers will have to comprehend. A whole range of legal problems will have to be dealt with that are associated with overlapping legal orders and competing aspects in relation to this.
In this legal environment, emerging ideas of global law and global justice appear. However, beyond the glamorous sounding idea of global law there is a challenge to our very understanding of the foundations of legal authority.
Professor Neil Walker has made important contributions concerning how authority emerges in the pluralist global legal environment (Intimations of Global Law, Cambridge University Press 2015). He will be presenting various aspects of his analysis during the seminar.
Professor Neil Walker’s main area of expertise is constitutional theory. He has published extensively on the constitutional dimension of legal order at sub-state, state, supranational and international levels. He has also published at length on the relationship between security, legal order and political community.
Please inform Katarina Fast Lappalainen of your Participation, by Wednesday 23 January.