Stockholm Center for International Law and Justice invites you to a final doctoral seminar with:
Martin Ratcovich
International Law and Rescue of Refugees at Sea
At the seminar, doctoral candidate Martin Ratcovich will present a manuscript for his doctoral thesis, preliminarily entitled ”International Law and Rescue of Refugees at Sea”. The thesis deals with the international legal framework for irregular maritime migration, with particular focus on the interpretation of the rules for disembarkation of persons rescued at sea. Relevant rules exist in, inter alia, the international law of the sea, international refugee law, international human rights law and international law against transnational organised crime. Great attention is also given to questions related to interpretation of treaties.
The seminar begins with a short presentation of the thesis followed by comments and questions from opponent Rebecca Thorburn Stern, senior lecturer and associate professor of international law at Uppsala University. Then there will be time for questions and discussion.
The manuscript (about 300 pages) will be sent to registered participants. Please register by sending an e-mail to
Professor Said Mahmoudi, Main Supervisor
Ambassador Marie Jacobsson, Supervisor
Doctoral Candidate Martin Ratcovich