Privacy and Legalization of a Mass Surveillance: In Search for Resources of International Human Rights Law

with Vera Rusinova, Higher School of Economics, Moscow

Stockholm Center for International Law and Justice invites you to a seminar with:

 Dr. Vera Rusinova

on the topic of

Privacy and Legalization of a Mass Surveillance: In Search for Resources of International Human Rights Law


The extensive legal literature on surveillance either bemoans the death of privacy in our irrevocably digitalized world, or concentrates on issues of jurisdiction to the detriment of its material scope. This happens against a background of the growing sociologically framed surveillance studies, which tend to declare human rights to be an improper and useless organizing concept in the struggle for privacy. The recent judgements of the ECHR Chambers on the Big Brother Watch and Others v. UK and Centrum för Rättvisa v. Sweden cases, where this court has acknowledged that mass surveillance per se does not violate the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, seem to support these pessimistic views. In her talk Vera Rusinova is going to discuss whether there are any internal and external resources of the International human rights regime, which still would be able to alter the situation.

Vera Rusinova is currently Professor of International Law at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow. She received a Doctor of legal sciences (Dr. hab.) degree in Moscow and holds a Master degree from the University of Göttingen. She is a Co-Chair of the International Law Association’s Committee on Use of Force: Military Assistance on Request, a Member of the European Society of International Law, and a Member of the Advisory Council of the Institute for International Peace and Security Law (University of Cologne, Germany). She is also member of the Editorial Groups of ‘International Justice’ and the ‘Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies’. She is currently conducting a study entitled ‘Application of International Law to Cyber Operations: from lex lata to lex ferenda’.


Registration (voluntary):, by the 4th of June 2019