Please see here.
Hans Corell’s and Pål Wrange’s welcome remarks at ESIL2021 have been uploaded.
Annual reports
The annual reports for 2017-2020 have ben uploaded. Please check out our activities.
Pål Wrange in online discussion about Western Sahara
Inspelning av “Nürnbergrättegångarna” med Mark Klamberg
Nedan finner ni inspelning “Nürnbergrättegångarna – upprinnelse, kontroverser och arv för eftervärlden” med Mark Klamberg, inspelad 24 november 2020.
Recording of the seminar with Dr Solon Solomon on warfare and civilian mental harm
SCILJ held the seminar “Mission Impossible? Courts, quasi-judicial bodies and the assessment of civilian mental harm in warfare” with Dr. Solon Solomon on 19th November 2020. Read about the event here.
You can watch a recording of the event below.
Pål Wrange to participate in public seminar on the Israel-Palestine conflict.
On Tuesday 3 November at 15 CET, Pål Wrange will participate in an online seminar on the International Law Perspective on the Israel-Palestine Conflict at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Recording of event “Thinking about Armed Groups Legislating for Rights for their Detainees”
SCILJ held the seminar “Thinking about Armed Groups Legislating for Rights for their Detainees” with Professor Andrew Clapham on 6 October 2020. Read about the event here.
You can watch a recording of the event below.
Pål Wrange skriver om USA:s sanktioner mot ICC på SvD debatt
Trumpadministrationens åtgärder mot ICC utgör ett direkt angrepp på domstolen och syftar till att undergräva dess roll i den internationella rättsordningen, skriver professor Pål Wrange på SvD Debatt tillsammans med den tidigare professorn i internationell rätt vid SU Ove Bring, FN:s tidigare rättschef Hans Corell, som bl a är hedersdoktor vid SU och ordförande i SCILJ, samt den tidigare rättschefen vid UD Carl-Henrik Ehrenkrona.