Ola Engdahl is currently researching on the use of force and coercion in the context of multinational peace operations and issues of liability under international law.
David Fisher examines the extraterritorial jurisdiction as a means to prosecute child sex tourism.
Par Hällstrom’s largest current project is a monograph on world trade law, in particular the WTO.
Mark Klamberg has three ongoing projects, namely one on the The UN Security Council and State Actions, investigation and prosecution of international crimes in Scandinavia and a commentary on international criminal law (CLICC).
David Langlet is conducting a research project on the regulation of cross-border pipelines. In 2013 he will also work on issues of sustainability and trade, specifically on WTO rules relating to export quotas and tariffs in relation to environmental concerns in export restrictions on industrial minerals and rare earths.
Maria Sjöholm’s current research is concerned with how the European Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American Commission and Court of Human Rights have interpreted provisions relevant to women’s rights in the European Convention and the American Convention on Human rättigheter.
Said Mahmoudi’s has three ongoing projects, namely: on the Argument of Self-Defence in Relation to Unwilling or Unable States; Non-State Actors and the Development of International Environmental Law: A Note on the Role of the CEDE and a UN Specialized Agency for the Environment
Pål Wrange is finishing a book on “transitional justice” (transitional justice) in Uganda. His next project, on non-state actors and the use of force, is financed by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Fund.
Ongoing research projects
International Environmental Law
– Non-State Actors and the Development of International Environmental Law: A Note on the Role of the CEDE
– A UN Specialized Agency for the Environment
International Criminal Law and Transitional Justice
– Investigation and prosecution of international crimes in Scandinavia
– Project: Commentary on the Law of the International Criminal Court (CLICC)
– PhD project: The Theory of Leadership Responsibility for the Crime of Aggression
– PhD project: The Impact of the Exclusion Clause in International Refugee Law in Relation to Terrorism
– PhD project: International Law and Constitutional Transitions after Conflict
Use of Force
– Does International Law Matter? The UN Security Council and State Actions
– The Argument of Self-Defence in Relation to Unwilling or Unable States
International Law in Times of Crises
– State of Emergency
– PhD project: Does necessity know the constitution? Constitutional powers in times of crises